The mobile application for your system

A modern mobile application for iOS and Android to fully enjoy and evolve your UL VISION system.

The heart of the UL VISION system

The mobile application has been designed as a modern and user-friendly app. It is the heart of the system to which the probe and augmented reality glasses connect.

It serves as an interface to access display, setup, and maintenance features.

It is available for Android and iOS systems via the Google Play and Apple Store platforms.

The display of flight data and system status

The display of flight data and system status

The interface ensures the display of the system status: connections, versions, battery level, probe temperature, QNH value, display units, alert messages, etc.

In flight, it ensures the display of flight data, identical to the display provided through the augmented reality glasses. It is thus possible to use the system without the glasses, solely through the mobile application interface, which is the DART system.

A simple setup of the probe and the system

A simple setup of the probe and the system

The mobile application allows, through its interface, the setup of the probe and the system. It is thus possible to enter the QNH value before each flight and potentially during the flight, choose the display units, or adjust the display of the augmented reality glasses.

The 3 calibration functions:

  • flight symmetry,
  • airspeed,
  • and angle of attack

are also accessible through the interface.
These calibrations are essential to ensure the accuracy of the displayed flight information and thus safety.

They follow a specific procedure that is fully described and guided through the interface.

The guarantee of your system's scalability

The guarantee of your system's scalability

The mobile application ensures the update of your system to always benefit from the latest developments and improvements.

The presence of an update is automatically checked when the probe is connected.

The update is done very simply from the application without any intervention on the probe.

The application natively manages the connection to E-type or A-type glasses. It is thus possible to switch from the DART system to the UL VISION system simply by purchasing a pair of glasses on the UL CONTROL website.

The mobile application ensures the update of your system to always benefit from the latest developments and improvements.

The presence of an update is automatically checked when the probe is connected.

The update is done very simply from the application without any intervention on the probe.

The application natively manages the connection to E-type or A-type glasses. It is thus possible to switch from the DART system to the UL VISION system simply by purchasing a pair of glasses on the UL CONTROL website.

An integrated probe installation guide

An integrated probe installation guide

The application includes a step-by-step installation guide, illustrated and assisted by the probe on your aircraft, to ensure its proper installation before use and optimal system performance.

You just need to follow the instructions.

A secure system

A secure system

The UL VISION system has several levels of security.

The connection to the DART probe is protected by a PIN code. Only the owner can access the probe’s information and settings via the application.

The interface displays alert messages from the probe based on its continuous monitoring functions.

Additionally, a validity message is always displayed alongside the flight data. The mobile application only shows valid information or indicates to the user when the information is unavailable, invalid, or unreliable.

Each time the application is launched, the system notifies the user of any unperformed calibrations that could negatively impact the system’s performance.