Frequently Asked Questions

Can I use UL VISION if I need corrective lenses?

Corrective lenses are available only for E-type glasses.
These glasses are adjusted for a distance of approximately 2 meters. The correction range is limited to -4 / +4.
These corrective lenses are available via the following link:

How to choose the size of E-type glasses?

E-type glasses are available in two sizes: Medium and Large.
The choice depends on your pupillary distance, which is the distance between the center of each of your pupils.
The Medium size covers the range of 55 – 63 mm.
The Large size covers the range of 64 – 72 mm.
To know your pupillary distance, you can consult your ophthalmologist or use the online site:

How to choose the size of A-type glasses?

A-type glasses are available in only one standard size.

How to choose between A-type and E-type glasses?

The main difference lies in the configuration of the display system.
For A-type glasses, the projection system is housed around the nose. As a result, for optimal comfort, this configuration is mainly recommended for individuals with a pupillary distance corresponding to the Large size of E-type glasses (i.e., greater than 63 mm).
Additionally, A-type glasses offer very good contrast, a yellow monochrome display, and photochromic lenses.
On the other hand, E-type glasses are very comfortable to wear, particularly due to the configuration of their display system, which does not interfere with the field of vision. They feature a color display well centered in the field of view, allow for the addition of corrective lenses, and also have sensors that will enable them to evolve with future features of the UL VISION system.
Therefore, we recommend purchasing E-type glasses.